Employment Opportunities
There are no job opportunities posted at this time.
Location: Verona Town Hall, 600 Bloomfield Ave. Verona, NJ 07044
Hours: 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday-Friday
Contact: (973) 857-4767
Email: jobopportunities@veronanj.org
All postings for job opportunities will be listed on this page. Please check back for regularly for open positions.
Current Opportunities:
Clerk (Full-Time) Planning Board & Board of Adjustment - Closes 8/23/24
Custodial Worker (Full-time) - Closes 9/21/24
Public Safety Telecommunicator - OPEN
Paratransit Driver - OPEN
School Crossing Guards
Medical Transport Driver - Per-Diem
Below is our Pre-Employment Application:
Essex County Equal Employment Opportunity Plan Utilization Report