Open Space Funding Referendum Info
Sample Open Space Ballot Questions for November 2023 Referendum
Shall the Township Council of the Township of Verona, County of Essex adopt an Ordinance amending the “Municipal Open Space, Recreation, and Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund” to increase the rate of the annual levy, from the current maximum of two (2) cents per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) of assessed valuation, to three (3) cents per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) of assessed valuation for the purposes of
(a) acquisition of lands for recreation and conservation purposes;
(b) development of lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes;
(c) maintenance of lands acquired for recreation and conservation purposes;
(d) historic preservation of historic properties, structures, facilities, sites, areas or objects and acquisition of such properties, structures, facilities, sites, areas or objects for historic preservation purposes; and
(e) payment of debt service on indebtedness issued or incurred by the Township of Verona for any of these purposes?
A “yes” vote for this proposition means that you do want the Township of Verona to take the necessary steps to amend the Municipal Open Space, Recreation and Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund to increase the rate of the annual levy, from the current maximum of two (2) cents per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) of assessed valuation, to three (3) cents per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) of assessed valuation that shall be used to acquire lands for recreation and conservation purposes. The Trust Fund can also be used to develop or maintain lands that are acquired for recreation and conservation purposes or used for the acquisition or historic preservation of historic properties, structures, facilities, sites, areas or objects located within the Township of Verona. The Trust Fund can also be used to make payments on bonds issued to acquire lands for these purposes. If approved, the increase from the current maximum of two (2) cents per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) of assessed valuation, to three (3) cents per ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($100) of assessed valuation, the additional tax will result in the annual increase of $43.30 in the municipal portion of the real property taxes assessed on a home with an assessment of $433,000, the Township average assessment, and based upon the current total assessed valuations of property within the Township, would raise approximately $239,569.92 of additional funds annually for the Municipal Open Space, Recreation and Farmland and Historic Preservation Trust Fund.